Registration fee
The registration fee is € 150, -.
All bank charges for the payment of the registration fee must be paid by the applicant.
The registration fee is not refundable.
Payment is requested to the following account:
Kulturstiftung Hohenlohe
Bank: Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis
Account No. 50 000 43 (Banking Code 622 515 50)
IBAN: DE30 6225 1550 0005 0000 43
swift-bic: SOLADES1KUN
Booking Code: 80001020/4488
caption: “Violinwettbwerb 2024”
Please remember to enter the name of the participant on the transfer.
The secretariat of the competition will confirm the applicants’ admission to the live rounds by June 15, 2024 and will send an invitation and further information about the competition.
Patronage Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth
Artistic and organizational direction Marcus Meyer and Irina Munteanu
Artistic and organizational direction Marcus Meyer and Irina Munteanu