Requirements for Video Recordings
- The video recordings are used exclusively to determine admission to the competition.
- Applicants must submit high-quality, unedited video recordings of their chosen unaccompanied repertoire from the first round (Telemann/Bach and Caprice, with repeats, if applicable).
- Each video must show the candidate in full and must be recorded with one camera angle. The recording may be paused between the works.
- At the beginning of each video, the applicant must state his/her name, age group and piece.
- A written statement from the teacher/professor confirming the date and place of the recording must accompany the submission.
- Recordings must have been made within 6 months prior to the application deadline.
- Recordings must be uploaded to YouTube and shared via an unpublished link to be included in the online application form.
- By uploading the files, the applicant grants the Kloster Schöntal Violin Competition all rights of use within the framework of the competition, in particular downloading and saving on other drives, use for streaming and integration in social media channels.
- All videos must be accessible by the application deadline of May 31, 2024 (now extended to June 14, 2024) and must remain accessible until the end of the competition (September 1, 2024).
Patronage Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth
Artistic and organizational direction Marcus Meyer and Irina Munteanu
Artistic and organizational direction Marcus Meyer and Irina Munteanu