Cem Esen
Poem for Violin solo op. 40

From the composer
Although the title of the work is Poem, the whole work is not a Poem. The Poem is hidden in the Intro. Then, with a strong statement against this poem, the main theme of the piece enters.
Only 2 main ideas are constant, the poem and a commentary against the poem. This commentary, which is a complete rebellion, must be presented with a strong and effective impact. Throughout the whole piece we will hear every dramatizable stage of our human emotions, with a final climax in which we will be reminded of the poem again. Then the piece will end with the effect of a powerful code.

Patronage Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth
Artistic and organizational direction Marcus Meyer and Irina Munteanu
Artistic and organizational direction Marcus Meyer and Irina Munteanu